The prisons of Sassari and Nuoro still without commander and director . A situation that continues over time despite «several months have passed since the visit of Undersecretary Delmastro to the institutes, where he had publicly promised that within 2 months he would send the staff on a permanent basis ». The complaint is that of the prison police union UilPa , which also speaks of an administration that "with its provisional measures has managed to worsen the situation".

«In Sassari – underlines Uilpa general secretary Michele Cireddu – the commander and deputy of Alghero alternate and the director of Cagliari is present approximately once a month, while in Nuoro the commanders of Oristano and Lanusei and the titular director alternate of Lanusei must also ensure the regency of Nuoro. In practice, instead of ensuring the interventions promised by the undersecretary, the emergency and precarious situation, in addition to the institutes of Sassari and Nuoro, has also extended to Oristano and Lanusei where there is no longer any top management figure".

The doubts arose already from the summons of the undersecretary «to which we responded present – continues Cireddu –. We had placed trust in his promises, also because he had responded firmly and decisively to our requests and the discussion had become heated when we told him during the public meeting that his words seemed like electoral slogans. Months later there is a fact: the management confusion, the precariousness and the emergency due to the inertia of the administration, from Sassari and Nuoro has spread to Oristano and Lanusei. In our opinion, rather than a new administrator, the Government should perhaps have identified an extraordinary commissioner with full powers to resolve the emergency of the Sardinian institutions once and for all. To the emergency the administration has added an even more serious emergency. If the Prefect of Nuoro had to send the Army out of Badu e' Carros to guarantee an adequate level of security, at this rate the Prefects of Sassari and Oristano, even if they seem less attentive to the dynamics of penitentiary institutions, will have to intervene to deal with the emergency of the Institutes located in the territories of their competence".

Then the thought shifts to the Penitentiary Police staff who "experience a situation of confusion because they see different reference figures alternating with different management lines which create inevitable confusion", concludes UilPa.


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