The risk of contagion from Covid seems to be diminishing for most of the pilgrims who arrived from Medjugorje on 28 October .

There are currently four people still hospitalized in the infectious diseases department of the Aou di Sassari: three of them supported in breathing by the CPAP helmet. The fourth is a contact, therefore infected in Sardinia. Their condition is currently considered to be stationary and will likely not need to be transferred to the ICU.

There is concern, however, for contacts, about a thousand in total. The Ats Public Hygiene Service is working to figure out how many people can be swabbed and quarantined.

THE PILGRIMAGE - Thirty Covid cases ascertained on a group of 167 people from different parts of the island, but concentrated above all in Gallura. Mostly they were not vaccinated and mostly over 60, just like those who ended up in Sassari, residing in Aggius, Luogosanto, Bassacutena and Tempio Pausania.

The tour in Bosnian land, which lasted five days, was the first in Medjugorje after two years of hiatus linked to the pandemic. The 167 participants had taken off from Olbia and landed in Split, Croatia. Up to that moment Bosnia Herzegovina was among the countries reachable also for tourism purposes, provided that by travelers in possession of a Green pass like all Sardinian pilgrims, whose QR code was checked at check in, then in Split and lastly at border between Croatia and Bosnia.

Bosnia then passed among the countries in which the Ministry of Health prohibits travel for tourist purposes: for this reason the pilgrims were subjected to a swab before leaving, which was negative in all cases, and obliged to hold up to ten fiduciary quarantine. days after returning. A few days after arriving on the island, however, there were the first symptoms.

(Unioneonline / D)

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