Seven bodies awaiting burial. One even from October 30 . The situation of the niches in the cemeteries of Porto Torres is dramatic. A problem that has been dragging on for years and which has worsened further in recent weeks.

Only part of the initial project (a quarter) of the new Ponte Pizzinnu cemetery was built . Furthermore, the empty niches have already been purchased, as required by law, by living people. Some families have even booked three.

The old cemetery in via Balai , the most important, has also been saturated for years . And it is practically impossible to enlarge it, given the proximity to roads and houses. The only long-term solution is therefore to finally proceed with the construction of the other lots of the new cemetery of Ponte Pizzinnu, which however is located in a rather unfortunate position, several kilometers from the town.

So in recent years improvisation and buffer solutions have reigned in the cemeteries of Porto Torres. Like the loan of niches already granted. Returning to the current situation, tomorrow the company that manages the cemetery services will proceed with the exhumulation of two niches in the cemetery in via Balai. So for two bodies present in the mortuary there will be a worthy burial, while for the others it will still be necessary to wait. Waiting for the Municipality to build at least another part of the Ponte Pizzinnu cemetery. In the meantime, obviously, the protests of the relatives of the bodies who have been stationed for some time in the mortuary of the cemetery in via Balai have arisen.

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