The Carabinieri of the Porto Torres company, together with their colleagues from Radiomobile, reported to the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Juvenile Court of Sassari some students of the Mario Paglietti Institute of Higher Education in Porto Torres who, on the morning of 16 December, vandalized the gym of the middle school in via Brunelleschi.

The boys, all aged between 14 and 17, are seriously suspected of having damaged some school materials, the fire prevention system and two windows of the sports facility. The raid was committed on the occasion of the Liberatio Scholarum, the "liberation" of the city's high school students (Liceo, Nautico and Smat) by university freshmen.

They damaged furniture, chairs and the playing field. Shortly before 9am, during the first hour of class at Brunelleschi, a group of young people had thrown some stones at the windows of the gym. They then attacked the windows, kicking the structures. Once inside they had thrown the chairs and other furnishings to the floor. Before the raid on the school, the gang of thugs had smashed the rear window glass of the car of a scientific high school teacher, Flavio Piras. It was parked in Piazza Walter Frau, in front of the local police headquarters. The video surveillance system is active in both places.

The soldiers who arrived on site had collected clues and testimonies, identifying some of the perpetrators of the vandalism. In the following days, investigative activities made it possible to identify further elements regarding other minors reported. The police investigations are continuing also thanks to the images from the video surveillance systems in the area, which will allow us to ascertain the possible responsibility of other people. It cannot be ruled out that some external troublemakers joined the students.

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