Starting the school with quarantine. It happened at the "Mario Paglietti" high school in Porto Torres where with the start of the school year and the reopening of the classrooms for students, after the third day of class, there was a case of Covid-19 among the pupils . The virus containment measures were immediately activated and the entire class ended up in quarantine, students and teachers who in the next few hours will be subjected to the nasal test subsequently verified by the ATS which could set an isolation period of less than 14 days.

The risk test began, with a system that immediately triggered the security measures and prevented the closure of the Institute. Meanwhile, the school management has set up remote lessons for the children involved, for whom Dad has been activated. "A good number of students are vaccinated, however - explains the Paglietti school management - it would be advisable for all the children to undergo the administration of the serum to make it safer to conduct lessons throughout the school year".

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