Extraordinary day, at the Cagliari Police Headquarters, for the issuing of passports. The “Click day” has been set for Saturday 23 March from 9am to 6pm, an occasion which will allow up to 400 requests for release to be received.

Booking on the online passport diary at www.passaportonline.poliziadistato.it is essential, with bookings opening and being available starting from 9am on Monday 18 March. On March 23rd you can go to the passport office of the Police Headquarters to file the application at the time indicated in the appointment.

«From February 23rd (booking day) they have been increased to 75 appointments for Tuesday afternoon, an opening which has been definitively put into operation in addition to Wednesday - they explain from the Police Headquarters - Currently 500 booking requests are acquired per week for a monthly average of 2,000 cases compared to the previous 1,200 monthly requests. This was possible following a recent increase in human and instrumental resources."

Furthermore, from 19 March the national project of the "Priority Agenda" created by the Department of Public Security of the Ministry of the Interior will be launched, in order to optimize the processing of passport requests, allowing the management of emergencies with rapid and certain times, standardizing this procedure throughout the national territory.

QUARTU SANT'ELENA COMMISSIONER - Starting today 15 March, every Friday, from 10.30, the online agenda will be implemented with a further 4 daily appointments, which can be booked for the following week, in addition to those currently scheduled, the discussion remaining unchanged of emergencies.

And starting today from 10.30am, through the online diary, you can book 50 appointments for March 21st, on the occasion of an extraordinary opening of the office, from 2pm to 6pm. Further extraordinary openings will be scheduled for the months of April , May and June.

IGLESIAS COMMISSIONER - Starting today, 28 places per week have been added as ordinary places that can be booked in the electronic diary, for approximately 120 additional acquisitions per month, until December 2024.

CARBONIA COMMISSIONER - For the months of April and May a "Click Day" will be organized with continuous opening of the desk from 9am to 4pm, approximately 70 appointments will be bookable for each day.


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