He beats a prison officer in Bancali and destroys some video surveillance cameras. It happened today in the Sassari prison when an inmate, under the 14 bis regime, after having received his own supply, also demanded that of others and, when denied, had a violent reaction. First hitting a policeman with a violent push, then smashing a table and using his foot to attack the prison police officer. The latter raised the alarm to his colleagues while the inmate destroyed the cameras in the section, threatening to kill anyone who tried to approach him. But, thanks to the deputy commander and after a long negotiation, the inmate was convinced to put down the foot of the table and return to his cell.

Uil Pa and its general secretary Michele Cireddu informed about the incident. «Nowadays, some troublesome prisoners - he states - systematically make requests in clear violation of the laws and regulations. They seem to be pretexts to unleash acts of violence and threats against those who do not submit to illicit requests. This is obviously coming at a high price because, also for this reason, attacks against policemen are constantly growing." «The escalation of critical episodes in the Sassari Institute - he concludes - worries us and pushes us to continue to denounce at multiple levels the failure to send a permanent commander and director. We need figures who know how to take the situation into their own hands and demonstrate that they are alongside the police who have to manage these serious critical events. The deputy commander did it, perhaps also as a warning and an example, but analyzing the current situation, it seems like a drop in the ocean."

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