Osilo prepares for the Carnival events. The municipal administration led by Mayor Giovanni Ligios announced that a meeting for associations and groups will be held on Monday 23 January at 7 pm in the former market to plan events.

Same thing in Villanova Monteleone , where the Confraternity of Mercy, in collaboration with the municipal administration, has organized the parade of the Villanova Carnival.

«All young people of all ages with a healthy desire to have fun are invited to participate». The appointment for a preparatory meeting is for Wednesday 25 January at 18.30, in the council chamber.

Ittiri, thanks to the collaboration of the Amici di Giozzi and the patronage of the Municipality, the Carnival will offer three events: Thursday 16 February will be held "Sa Die de lardajolu", with a favata and entertainment for children. Sunday 19 February space for the parade of allegorical floats. Tuesday 21 February there will be the trial of King George and the children's pinata

Meanwhile in Bono , a town in the Goceano area, the celebrations in honor of Sant'Antonio Abate have concluded.

"We thank the young president Angela Pilu, her family and all the people who organized votive bonfires in different areas of the country, helping to preserve and spread the tradition," said the mayor, Michele Solinas .

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