G. and K., the 17 and 15 year old boys who vanished into thin air for 9 days and were found today in the deconsecrated church of Santa Lucia, are said to be responsible for an attempted armed robbery in a club in Olbia .

The teenagers were able to see and hug their parents again, but they were stopped and accompanied by the police to the first reception centre , a facility used to host minors in custody or arrest.

On 26 January, the Olbia police station was rebuilt and immediately after the missing person was reported, searches were activated, with the use of police cars, personnel from the Sardinia Crime Prevention Department, Border Police, patrols from the Carabinieri and the Local Police of Olbia.

The searches, also making use of anonymous reports, extended to the neighboring municipalities and the hinterland, ruins, but also houses and accommodation facilities were combed through . At the same time, the investigators tried to understand the reasons for the removal which, as specified by Colonel Michele Monti, commander of the territorial department of the Olbia Carabinieri, was undoubtedly voluntary.

And at the same time it was discovered that the two minors were strongly suspected of the crime of attempted armed robbery against a shopkeeper in the city center and that for this reason they had fled .

The searches were very difficult: the investigators, specifies the note from the police station, had to contend not only with the geographical characteristics of the territory, but also with a "socio-cultural context and an attitude that is too often reluctant to collaborate with the forces of order" .

Today we finally arrived at the discovery, the two were in the deconsecrated church of Santa Lucia, on the outskirts of the city, where in recent days they have received food and water from friends . A sigh of relief for the parents who were increasingly worried as the days went by and were able to hug them again. Immediately afterwards, however , the two boys were arrested as suspects in the crime of attempted armed robbery and taken to the competent CPA .


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