As announced in recent days by the Councilor for Transport Antonio Moro , the Regional Council challenged the resolutions of the extraordinary meetings of 29 May with which Sogeaal and Geasar gave the go-ahead to merge the airports of Alghero and Olbia into a single company management, Nord Sardegna Aeroporti Spa.

He did it today with a resolution proposed by councilor Moro himself.

The representation and defense in court of the regional administration have been entrusted to the lawyer Gabriele Racugno of the Court of Cagliari and to the lawyers Mattia Pani and Sonia Sau of the regional lawyers' office.

"Obligated to protect our interests and the rights of the Sardinians", Moro said, underlining that the Region cannot renounce its powers of "control, supervision and direction" , "not guaranteed with the new project, as recognized by Enac ».

On the contrary, added the exponent of the Council Solinas, "in the draft of the statute attached to the merger resolution , the public shareholdings are reduced to the minimum terms ".


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