In Nuoro, the area of the Grazia Deledda park in viale Murichessa is enriched with new and important elements.

On April 26th, the Regional Agriculture Department published a resolution authorizing a new vine-growing plant for experimental use, with the intention of restoring the historic vineyard of the Nobel Prize-winning writer, which has now gone into disuse.

Beneficiaries will be the volunteers of OrthobenEssere Onlus, the real protagonists in the recovery project at "Su Pinu". Specifically: it will be possible to use an area of 3000 square meters, planting the Cannonau, Nera del Ponte, Bovaleddu, Alvarega, Granatza and Pansale vine varieties.

The experimental program - lasting 25 years - will be borne by the non-profit organization which has already launched a new PayPal fundraiser to support donations. And in Città Giardino no time has been lost: leveling and plowing work is in progress, donated also the cuttings that will be planted in the autumn and the tiles to be placed in the house shortly. Key value: the extraordinary support work of local volunteers and businesses, an active part of the project.

Proud Riccardo Costa , among the voices of Ortobhenessere: «We are enthusiastic about the arrival of the resolution. We will finally have the opportunity to bring the Grazia vineyard back to light. We are moved by love for our city and by the desire to recover an area that deserves so much. We are sure that step by step we will reach our goals, under the sign of the great Nobel».

In Sardinian Athens, the revival starts from those suburbs that have written indelible pages of history. For info and donations:

Giorgio Ignazio Onano

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