Yesterday, without numbers in the council and a handful of minutes from the vote on the budget forecast, mayor Andrea Soddu removed the accounting document discussed for eight hours by the representatives of all the forces elected in 2020 from the face of the chamber , withdrawing it from agenda avoiding his distrust and the arrival of the commissioner .

A move to buy time which today follows the attempt to open up to the rest of the council, with the councilors having presented their resignations. Resignations of the council which are not irrevocable and remain in the hands of the mayor who entrusts the reason for his action to a press release.

«In yesterday's city council meeting it emerged that some city councilors are rooting for the commissioner's arrival , thus renouncing the commitment made to the citizens who voted for them. Among these - writes Soddu - those of the PD group, Carlo Prevosto and Natascia Demurtas, and the group leader of the movement Another Nuoro, Another Sardinia, as well as vice president of the city council, Narciso Guria. But even more serious was the fact that the prime minister Sebastian Cocco, now also the majority regional councilor, stripped himself of his role as guarantor of the assembly and instead of fighting until the end to try to keep the expression standing maxim of city democracy, represented by the city council elected by the citizens, has publicly called for the city to be placed under commissionership . In light of all this and precisely because we intend to safeguard the council's continued tenure, after a discussion today on the situation, the municipal councilors Fabrizio Beccu, Valeria Romagna, Rachele Piras, Luciano Boi and Salvatore Picconi have placed their mandate in my hands , as a sign of maximum openness and good will in trying to resolve a crisis which, with the arrival of the commissioner, would only bring negative consequences for the city and its citizens ".

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