Mobile phone signal problems in Sardinia? "They don't appear." Better yet: no reports from users residing in the hamlet or in the surrounding areas have been "officially received by the territorial inspectorate of Sardinia - the office responsible for responding to user needs ".

Thus the undersecretary of the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy, Massimo Bitonci, responded in recent days to a question that the Sardinian Northern League deputy, Dario Giagoni, had presented a year ago.

The Northern League parliamentarian had stated that " the citizens of Sardinia continue to complain about serious inefficiencies relating to the functioning of the telephone networks, with particular reference to mobile telephone coverage, with some areas completely devoid of signal". A well-known problem, so much so that in many areas, «especially the internal ones», the Northern League member claimed, «the mobile telephone signal is present, but only apparently, or is completely absent, resulting in the de facto impossibility of establishing any connection ( voice or data), even with the emergency services".

Giagoni recalls that «the Communications Regulatory Authority has set the target values, i.e. the general standards of the quality indicators of the universal service for fixed voice telephony, which Telecom Italia must undertake to achieve. And Telecom itself", on the basis of a law, "has presented commitments to the Authority in which it indicates, among the objectives, that of satisfying end customers through concrete interventions for the development and improvement of the quality of the network and services" . Yet many Sardinians, in 2024, are unable to call, much less surf online, because there is no network in their territory.

The Ministry informs that «with regards to the inefficiency relating to the functioning of telephone networks in the territory of Sardinia , it is appropriate to note that, within the scope of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr), investments have been envisaged dedicated to the creation of mobile coverage in areas with market failure, from which the Sardinia region will also benefit". But in the meantime, the undersecretary claims, there have been no reports of disruptions.


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