The fight against mosquitoes, the main vectors of Nile fever, continues, a virus that in recent weeks has registered a case of positivity on a 72-year-old man hospitalized at the San Martino hospital: to date his conditions are stable and he remains hospitalized in the ward of resuscitation.

In recent weeks, experts from the Regional Veterinary Epidemiological Observatory of the Zooprophylactic Institute had found positivity in a pool of mosquitoes caught in one of the four traps installed in Oristano.

The service of the Province.

The disinfestation activity by the provincial administration was immediate. "The provincial disinfestation service - explain from the Authority - albeit with difficulty due to lack of human resources but with considerable commitment of the operators and technicians in service, even in the current year, from January to today it has carried out its control activity of mosquitoes by carrying out periodic monitoring ».

The interventions

"Following the notification of the circulation of Nile fever - explain from the Province - the disinfestation interventions are taking place in close collaboration with the other bodies responsible for the control and prevention of the virus". Not only that: "All requests for intervention from public administrations are carried out except when it comes to generalized requests for preventive purposes as they are ineffective and harmful".

The appeal to citizens

Often the outbreaks in the private sector have a strong role on infestations, "therefore, citizens are also called to adopt an adequate and correct behavior in order to avoid the presence of stagnant water in their gardens" illustrate the experts of the Province.

Man in resuscitation

The 72-year-old from Massama, hospitalized in the Oristano hospital for Nile fever, remains in intensive care. Its conditions are defined as "stable".


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