The landings of migrants on the Sulcis Iglesiente coast do not stop. The latest one occurred this evening in Sant'Antioco where a group made up of sixteen men and a woman were transported to the port by agents of the naval operational section of the financial police of Sant'Antico.

The group intercepted at sea during continuous coastal patrol operations, were preparing to reach the coasts of Sulcis where they crossed for several hours. Facilitated by the excellent marine weather conditions.

After arriving in the port, the first identification operations were carried out, the 118 staff of the Avas of Sant'Antioco were on site for a migrant who had a trauma to a finger and was taken to the Sirai of Carbonia for checks, and the Carabinieri of Carbonia and Tratalias. The group was transferred to the first reception center in Monastir .

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