Never graduated, but a doctor in the Nuxis retirement residence , in Sulcis.

A 42-year-old from Cagliari , already known to the police, was arrested by the police. He had made false documents to obtain the position as a doctor in the RSA .

She had recently been working alongside other doctors, and as a doctor she participated in visits to the elderly and reviewed all the procedures of the facility .

She would have been hired, on the other hand she claimed to have a degree in Medicine and knew how to pretend well, she had given everyone the impression of being competent. But the health managers of the RSA, not convinced of the authenticity of the documents provided, alerted the police.

Subsequent investigations established that the woman had never graduated in medicine and that all the documents provided, from the identity card to the qualifications, were false products to win the vacant job .

Thus the arrest was made, also to protect the elderly patients of the RSA: the woman is charged with the crimes of possession of false documents, impersonation and attempted exercise of the healthcare profession. The arrest was validated and the 42-year-old was ordered to stay .


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