The works were intended to make the Terramaini canal navigable. The slime, however, remains, because the awarding of the 6.6 million euro contract for dredging and landscaping of the banks was revoked.

The decision to cancel is the Municipality of Cagliari, which in July last year had entrusted the intervention to Co.Ge.Pa. Srl, which had presented a reduction of 25.634%, for an amount equal to 3,647,435.29 euros (plus VAT). But the procedure ran aground.

The funds came from the Pnrr and the work affected the watercourse from the mouth of the Rio Saliu, on the border with Monserrato, to the mouth in the Su Siccu area, in front of the Capannone Nervi, for a length of approximately 7.5 kilometres. The objective of the project was to carry out «a dredging operation of the canal, aimed at improving its environmental characteristics and guaranteeing its navigability, albeit with vessels of limited draft».

A nice idea. Shipwrecked. After the award, we read in the Municipality's documents «we proceeded with the formal urgent delivery of the definitive design service for the intervention, to be drawn up within the contractual deadlines, i.e. 60 natural and consecutive days starting from the receipt of the same note of delivery". But in January the number one of the group of designers who should have collaborated with the company made it known that he would renounce «the performance of the engineering services forming part of the integrated contract in question because, despite the numerous reminders sent for this purpose to the successful company the latter had not proceeded to formalize their assignment".

The Municipality sought dialogue with the company. Who tried to give reassurances and obtained a short extension. But in the meantime nothing has happened. So the Municipality, despite the company's arguments, decided to cancel the award. The works should go to the second-placed company. Which, if he accepts, he will have to fly: the Pnrr time is running out, under penalty of losing funding.


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