There is still a migrant emergency , not only in Italy but also along the coasts of Sardinia , where in the last few hours the controversy over the new tent city in Villanovaforru, intended for the transfer of foreigners to the island from the collapsing hotspot of Lampedusa.

And in the meantime there is mystery on the coasts of Muravera .

This morning, in the Colostrai area, the presence of a black rubber dinghy , without an engine, 10 meters long was reported.

Probably washed ashore by the currents, it had washed ashore on the beach .

No objects or personal effects on board, just some waste with labels in Arabic.

The Carabinieri of the local station have informed the competent Coast Guard for the activation of any search plans for men lost at sea . At the moment no one has been found. Even the searches started and still underway on the ground have not allowed the migrants to be traced.

This is an anomalous circumstance as generally those who land illegally tend to be identified and then assisted.


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