The embrace of the town arrived even before the funeral began in the parish of Madonna del Carmine.

Teulada said goodbye to Alessio Madeddu, 52-year-old chef , killed Wednesday night for jealousy by the Sant'Anna Arresi baker Angelo Brancasi. The motive indicated by the murderer during the confession is passionate: "He was my wife's lover," he told the carabinieri before being transferred to the Uta prison.

(foto L'Unione Sarda - Careddu)
(foto L'Unione Sarda - Careddu)
(foto L'Unione Sarda - Careddu)

The funeral was celebrated by the parish priest Don Ignazio in front of crowded benches (but in compliance with Covid regulations) to greet the fisherman chef. An hour earlier in the church overlooking the town there was a greeting reserved only for relatives and closest friends.


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