Crackdown by the municipal administration of Muravera to curb the phenomenon of waste abandonment, especially bottles of beer and spirits, in Piazza Europa and in other parts of the country.

The balance of the last weekend of ordinary rudeness is a reduced Europe square "in deplorable conditions". And the mayor Salvatore Piu announces that from now on there will be "zero tolerance" : "We will organize a night surveillance service of the local police - explained the mayor - and we will ask for greater attention from the forces of order. Above all, we will fight to ensure that the ban on the sale of alcohol to minors is respected which, according to what is left "as a gift" to citizens in Piazza Europa, is not applied enough and, indeed, circumvented. Vodka and other spirits are happily consumed even by minors».
An authentic emergency, the one denounced by the mayor, moreover under everyone's eyes, which risks frustrating the efforts of the municipal administration to make the town livable, especially since Piazza Europa is not the only point in the town where certain episodes occur. For this reason, the mayor is asking for everyone's cooperation, parents in the first place: "Families can give us a big helping hand to dialogue with their children and understand the reason for certain behaviors - said the mayor again - but an important part can be played by the educators and the oratory and, naturally, by our social services».

In any case, the mayor is determined to stop the phenomenon: "We will also strengthen the video surveillance service to identify those responsible and to dissuade from engaging in certain behaviors", concluded Piu. "Punishing is the last resort, we trust in everyone's common sense and especially young people".


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