Maria Luisa Capaldi, born in 1953, until the spring of 2010, in the land of Abruzzo, in the municipality of Celano, grew vegetables (including melons). Leafy vegetables, stem vegetables, fruit vegetables, roots, bulbs and tubers in open air (excluding sugar beets and potatoes). From that moment on, his life at the Chamber of Commerce of the Gran Sasso d'Italia disappeared into thin air: canceled activity punctuated the information system of the companies. However, she reappeared on the financial radars on 23 October 2012. The database registers her as sole director of a company with unspeakable wind energy ambitions.

From vegetables to shovels

From vegetables to shovels that "plow" the sky, the step is short. The company name leaves no room for doubt: Vcc Energia, a joint-stock company for the construction and construction of industrial plants for the production of energy through renewable sources and the activity of study and technical assistance. Headquarters, needless to say, on the slopes of the Gran Sasso, in the Contrada Sardellino, in Aielli, also in Abruzzo. Little or nothing is known about this lady who passed out of the blue from the production of tubers to the cultivation of wind The corporate intersections that link it to the company it heads are a labyrinth, all linked to the Villa family, a local potentate that ranges from Sicily to Abruzzo with a fixed dot: Sardinia. of Celano d'Abruzzo are countless, many in liquidation, others waiting for the right opportunity.

Lady Wind's Christmas

What the lady of the wind has to do with Sardinia, however, is not known. One fact is incontrovertible, according to all the evidence in our possession, immediately after Holy Christmas and Boxing Day last year, the former vegetable grower triggered the Montiferru operation. Confidential mission to the Nuraghi Island, ignoring, perhaps, even the existence of those 3,500-4,000 year old monuments. The passages are delicate, in terms of timing and content.

The war with Eni

A company, Infrastrutture SpA, has to be put against the wall, which was the first, on 20 December, to apply to clear the wind of the Marghine and Planargia. The goal is clear: to bring home, in any case, the land necessary to drive the beauty of 56 wind turbines into the middle of an open-air Nuragic museum, with one's gaze turned to the still deep wounds of the great fire that devastated the Montiferru. The game scheme is written on stamped paper complete with state stamps to be affixed in case of signature. The game can be summarized: to convince breeders, landowners, farmers and any possible interlocutor interested in transferring, with sale or servitude contracts, the land necessary to build plinths and foundations to stick the mammoth 206-metre-high shovels into that proscenium .

Ovid, Demetrius...

Many people parade in front of the lady of the wind, from Lamberto to Demetrio, from Giovanni to Giuseppino, from Raffaele to Ovidio. The arrangement of the contracts in our possession is similar for all: only names and surnames, surfaces and amounts change, very often with different prices per hectare. The premises of the contract are explicit: the company intends to develop a project for the production of electricity from wind power in the municipalities of Scano di Montiferro and Sindia. The mechanism is punctuated by two eloquent paragraphs. The first: «In the event of obtaining the single authorisation, the company will be entitled to request the compulsory establishment of easements on the land, or "expropriation procedure"». The second: "However, it is in the company's interest to achieve, where possible, the amicable acquisition of the availability of the land and the establishment of easements through the completion of specific agreements with the owner". The choice goes far beyond the good-natured acquisition.

Six thousand euros per hectare

Between a feared "military" expropriation of the areas, with payments and times linked to the state bureaucracy, and immediate almsgiving, the road is smooth. The fees are all written in the "contracts" in our possession. Giovanni, a farmer from Sindia, is promised 12,000 euros a year, for thirty years, for 20,771 m2 of land under the pact signed on 27 December, or less than 6,000 euros per hectare. To Demetrio, also from Sindia, in exchange for not even half a hectare they promise him the perpetual purchase of the land in exchange for 7,000 euros, all and immediately, always after the approval of the wind invasion. In exchange for an easement of 19,764 square meters, not even two hectares, they "guarantee" Maria Laura 12,000 euros a year, again six thousand euros per hectare. The New Year's Eve sequence is endless, as if the whole of Marghine and Planargia had to be excavated between 27 and 30 December.

The wind jackpot

Particles and shovels to be placed everywhere, money, allowances and alms to be guaranteed in exchange for those uncertain signatures on pieces of paper which for the vegetable lady are worth a millionaire jackpot. Like a card paid for a few euros which, in the event of ministerial approval of the wind farm, makes you a billionaire. Yes, really a billionaire, without emphasis on random figures, but with a calculator in hand. The "wind system", for the first time, is punctuated by the admissions of one of the legal representatives of this operation.

The key document

The document, of which we publish an excerpt, is the proven proof of the fact that poor alms should go to the farmers and dizzying sums to the lords of the wind. The coffer of the «wind system» was unhinged by Cesare Villa, who declares himself the legal representative of Vcc Scano-Sindia srl, the company that would like to build a 336 megawatt wind farm between Sindia and Scano Montiferru, equal to 56 wind blades of 206 meters high. It is he who discovers the financial cards. In the document he sends to Rome to attempt to displace the ENI company, Hergo Renewables, which he would like to insinuate into the same areas of Montiferru, he blurts out numbers and comparisons, earnings and turnover.

The wind system

Villa confesses it himself, indeed puts it in black and white: those 56 shovels stuck between nuraghes and landscapes carved into the identity of this island would make him generate an annual turnover of 67 million euros, or one million and two hundred thousand euros per shovel for each year. To begin making an initial comparison of the operation with the handouts handed out between Christmas and last New Year's Eve, it is enough to compare the earnings of a shovel with those miserable economic promises made to farmers in the area. If each shovel needs to "plow" one hectare, it will mean that Mr. Giovanni, the farmer from Sindia who gives up the servitude, will obtain a donation of six thousand euros a year for the "loan" of his land, compared to one million and 200 thousand euros that the lady who owned vegetables will collect every year for a single shovel.

Alms & billions

Let's try to multiply the operation by thirty years, as long as the contract provides. Giovanni, the farmer from Sindia will have collected just 180 thousand euros, while Maria Luisa, the Capaldi from Celano d'Abruzzo, will pocket the beauty of 36 million euros for each shovel. In practice, the lords of the wind will collect 99.5% of the profit from a shovel and 0.5% will remain for "just one" Sindia breeder. The whole territory, on the other hand, will lose its landscape integrity and environmental value. The macro figures of this operation are frightening: if the "Villa-confessione" arrives at declaring that for those 56 shovels, every year, it would invoice 67 million euros, it means that in thirty years it will generate collections for the stratospheric figure of two billion euros.

4 billion deal

In practice, with the 111 blades planned by the seven wind farms between Santu Lussurgiu, Scano Montiferro, Sagama, Tinnura, Suni, Sindia, Macomer and Borore, from Enel to Eni, from Vcc Energy to Wind Energy, the lords of the wind would collect over four billion euros in thirty years. Mind-boggling figures that let us understand the infinite vortex of shovels and money, all to be consumed on the heads of Sardinians and Sardinia. Here, in this exclusive land on the slopes of Montiferru, only the devastation of landscapes and archaeological heritage would remain. After the fire, speculation now continues with impunity.


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