A true union of intent between the pediatric cardiology departments of San Francesco in Nuoro and Gaslini in Genoa . This is what allowed little Annarita Nieddu to be able to celebrate Christmas in her home in Nuoro, surrounded by the affection of her father Francesco and mother Letizia Satta.

The little girl, born prematurely and suffering from a serious congenital heart disease, Tetralogy of Fallot , saw a new light following the prodigious operation performed by Guido Michielon, head of cardiac surgery at the Genoese hospital. A return to Barbagia, in Nuoro, where the little girl with her family is followed in her recovery at home by the team of health director Peppino Paffi. A fate that seemed already written for the newborn, who survived her pregnancy with her twin, who sadly passed away . From a series of tests carried out by Nuoro doctors in the thirteenth week, kidney problems emerged. The mother Letizia Satta is hospitalized and transferred to intensive care in Sassari following a worsening of the clinical picture.

Little Annarita's father, Francesco, told it in the last few hours at Secolo IX. «It was April 14th. The doctors told me that they had to give birth or they would risk the lives of mother and baby. Annarita was born in Nuoro on April 15th: she weighed only 620 grams". And then he adds: «After an emergency caesarean section and hospitalization in neonatal intensive care, the cardiologist discovered that Annarita was suffering from Tetralogy of Fallot. The doctor, also following a strong desaturation, immediately got in touch with Gaslini." Thus came the decision to arrange a military flight to Genoa , as a last resort to save the newborn: «On April 29th Annarita flew to Genoa with a military plane – added her father Francesco – we reached her by ship, leaving on the 30th : the clinical picture was not rosy. But we were confident." And after arriving at the hospital weighing 700 grams, Annarita was admitted to neonatal intensive care, improving day by day until her heart operation last September 25th was successful.

Finally, on December 22nd, the long-awaited return to Barbagia: « It has made incredible progress – added Curreli – it bears the names of the two saints to whom we entrusted ourselves, Santa Rita and Sant'Anna». The parents repeat words of great gratitude towards the Gaslini health workers: « They gave us the greatest Christmas present – the father declared to the Genoa newspaper – in those rooms I found, in addition to professionalism, a special humanity. A pride not only for the Genoese but for everyone." And to the satisfaction that arrived in the last few hours from the surgeon Guido Michielon, is added that of the general director of the ASL 3 of Nuoro Paolo Cannas: «I thank our professionals and the Ligurian ones for the excellent work done, to which we are linked by deep collaboration. We will do our best to ensure Annarita and her loved ones have all the support they need. Both with hospital and local specialists."

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