First the letter of recommendation to the President of the Region Alessandra Todde. Then the complaints: one to the Public Prosecutor's Office and the other to the Court of Auditors. Attached are financial statements and reports. On the merits: the possible presence of a shortfall of around one million euros in the Foundation's coffers, the hypothetical improper use of credit cards covered by public money, unpaid suppliers and a long series of alleged irregularities.

It's time for a showdown in the Sardinia Film Commission, the body controlled by the Region that deals with promoting cinema and audiovisuals on the island. In the crosshairs is the former director Nevina Satta, who left in February after ten years of management. The attack is made by the current president of the Foundation, Michela Pirrigheddu, supported by some members of the Board of Directors.

Satta, called into question, completely rejects the accusations: «During my management, the economic management has always been transparent and based on legality. I am absolutely certain of my work, always consistent with previous years." The war, however, is now underway.

All the details in Alessandra Carta's article on newsstands and in the digital edition

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