After petrol, energy and gas, 2023 brings another wave of price increases and hundreds of widely consumed medicines are affected: plasters, birth control pills, anxiolytics, anti-inflammatories grow by a share ranging from 5 to 15 percent .

The "retouching" is established by law: «The "Storace Decree" of 2005 wrote it: the price of class C medicines can be increased in January of every odd year», underlines Pierluigi Annis, president of Federfarma Sardegna. «In short, companies increase their selling prices and consequently we pharmacists are also forced to apply the increase. The average, since January, has been around 10%».

"If the price increases for occasional drugs, i.e. those taken only in the event of symptoms, therefore once in a while, have a relatively large impact on family budgets - adds Annis -, the situation is very different for those who suffer from chronic conditions and must take medicines with constancy, consequently the increases, month after month, can weigh a lot ».

Christine Cossu

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