From 2 to 4 December Olbia will be the scene of the maxi national emergency exercise organized by the Italian Red Cross to simulate and test the implementation of relief plans in the event of natural or man-made disasters.

The exercise will involve over 400 highly specialized CRI volunteers from Sardinia and all over Italy, engaged in various scenarios: from the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (Cbrn) threat, to the setting up of field health facilities for public health Rsp.

The two scenarios will take place at the port of Olbia and will see the setting up of a real village which will host a training activity in which the participants will have to set up : a Maxi Emergencies unit; specific training on the use of purification plants and dewatering pumps supplied to the CRI; different hands-on activities with Cbrn stations. Friday will be the day dedicated to training, Saturday and Sunday to exercises, a conference on emergency activities, a meeting of the regional representatives Restoring Family Links (RFL, a service that deals with re-establishing family ties interrupted by armed conflicts, natural disasters or, as more recently, from migrations) and at the various tables relating to the activities of the Red Cross.

On Sunday morning, at the end of the event, there will be a meeting for exchange and comparison between participants, authorities and Red Cross leaders on the challenges that characterize the activities of the OES Area (CRI Operations, Emergency and Relief), which will also be attended by representatives of the Department of Civil Protection, of the Ministry of Health, of ENAC.

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