Campidanese-style malloreddus are back in Uras .

The traditional dish, seasoned with tomato sauce and fresh sausage, can be tasted in the square on the occasion of the 18th "Sa coxina antiga" festival.

The gastronomic review organized by the Pro loco and sponsored by the Municipality will take place on Saturday 2 September from 8 pm in the area in front of the primary school in via Grazia Deledda .

As usual, local products will be enhanced : from Senatore Cappelli wheat harvested in the Uresi countryside to hand-made pasta in the village, but also the typical condiment of malloreddus and the second course of roasted meat, the latter prepared on the spot by the members of the Pro loco .

The evening will be enlivened by the show of the students of the Terralba dance school "Amèlie Danza". There will also be room for local artifacts: from Saturday afternoon there will be the stands of iron, wood and ceramic craftsmen working in the Oristano area with their creations.

Sunday 3 at 21, still in the square in via Deledda, the drawing of the lottery tickets sold the previous evening will take place, during the malloreddus tasting.

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