The tests are being carried out, but for the concrete start-up of the new Tossilo waste incinerator we will have to wait a few more months. The set date, October 10 , risks not being respected.

We are moving towards yet another postponement, amid a thousand tensions. The new waste -to-energy plant, built by the Region with an investment of about 50 million euros , will have to burn the waste of the entire north-central island, for over 60 thousand tons per year.

There is a serious situation in Tossilo, with the workers of Tossilo Spa (the company emanating from the industrial consortium, in charge of managing the waste platform), who will not receive the salary , since the Region has not paid into the coffers of the holding the necessary money.

The 30 workers have proclaimed a state of agitation and threaten not to vote and to block any activity. "We will support the just and legitimate demands of the workers - says Gian Pietro Arca , president of the Union of Municipalities of the Marghine - we ask the Region that the situation be unblocked immediately".

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