First Covid, then the devastating fires of July 2021, ending with a storm. For three years, in fact, the tourist line, crossed by the Trenino Verde, only operated for a few months and for short trips, causing immense damage to the economy of two important territories, Marghine and Planargia.

Now the news that the line reopens in its entirety, in particular the section between Tresnuraghes and Bosa Marina, where the fire in July 2021 had destroyed thousands of wooden sleepers. «The restoration works have been completed - announces Carlo Poledrini, general director of Arst - now the Green Train will be able to travel at full speed again. The Trenino Verde Foundation will take care of the regular operation."

Barring unforeseen circumstances, the Little Green Train will be able to begin its complete journey starting next spring. Also in this case, the Foundation and the Esedra cooperative will reactivate bookings, which have been reduced by 90% in these three years. The tourist line between Macomer and Bosa includes 46 kilometers of narrow gauge tracks, with wooden sleepers, which pass through breathtaking landscapes, aboard a vintage carriage, the Bauchiero, dated 1913. The train will be able to resume running at starting next spring, when everything will be regularized by authorizations and so on.

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