A substantial package, to fight poverty and social hardship, with the distribution of food to people in difficulty, the result of such generosity. It is the Christmas package, which yesterday the Caritas volunteers of the four parishes distributed to hundreds of families, especially where there are children, the result of a food collection and a lot of generosity, which was carried out last December 2nd, which in terms of expenditure amounts to around 30 thousand euros, but also to the generosity shown by the large groups in the food chain who have their logistics headquarters in the industrial area of Tossilo, in addition to donations from the European Union.

An action, that of Caritas led by the parish priest Father Andrea Rossi, with Don Marco Saurra and Don Leonardo Arca, which finds the availability of dozens of volunteers, engaged almost daily (not only during the Christmas holidays), in the collection and distribution of food to families in difficulty. «The food collection carried out last December 2nd was a success and a great act of generosity demonstrated by hundreds of people who, together with their shopping, also did that of another family - says Francesco Mossa, one of the many volunteers involved in the solidarity action - what was donated has now been distributed to families, in the most absolute discretion, allowing many people to spend the Christmas holidays with a bit of serenity".

Pinuccia Chelo, who has been involved in Caritas in the parish of San Francesco for years, is of the same opinion: «We see the hardship up close and we see the suffering of many parents who accept with dignity what is offered by Caritas». Basic necessities, but for Christmas also panettone, sparkling wine, various desserts, as well as toys for those children, many of whom attend city nurseries and primary schools. There are many people assisted and the problem of poverty in Macomer is in the programs of the municipal administration and also requested by opposition groups.

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