A few days after the death of little Daniele, the fifteen-month-old child hit and killed on the pedestrian crossing in via Cadello, Sunday 6 February at 9:30 am, right in front of the entrance to the Monte Claro Park, various associations have appointment to ask for greater safety on city roads and with particular attention to weak road users.

All participants will wear white clothing, "in the memory and remembrance of all the innocent victims of the road".

"The tragedy in via Cadello represents only the latest in a long series of dramatic episodes against pedestrians on the pedestrian crossing, which occurred in Cagliari over the last few years - the organizers Friends of the Bicycle Cagliari, Association of Families and Victims of the Road, said Onlus, Ciclofficina Sella del Diavolo, Women in Bikes and Micromobility, Doing things in Cagliari, FIAB, Green Peace, Legambiente, Mesa Noa Coop food and Public Transport Users Sardinia - What happened on Tuesday 1 February invites us to take a clear position with respect to two long-standing problems that characterize many streets of our city: that of excess speed by too many careless motorists and that of the presence of urban roads that are structurally unsafe and dangerous for all weak road users (pedestrians, cyclists, people on scooters , handicapped people, families with wheelchairs) ".

"The mayor of Cagliari has always declared that road safety is a priority of his administration - they observe - but in almost three years nothing has been done to reduce car traffic and little has been done to make the city's most dangerous roads safe. ".

"Urgent measures are needed - they continue - to stop this real massacre of innocents on our streets. Also by encouraging the use of more sustainable means of transport, such as public transport and bicycles, with special infrastructures".

(Unioneonline / vl)

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