They crossed their arms right on the eve of Easter but the fight for the renewal of the contract with Federdistribuzione will not stop today.

Filcams Cgil, Fisascat Cisl and Uiltucs launch from Cagliari, where there was a flash mob in front of the prefecture, the national mobilization which on the eve of Easter saw workers taking to the streets in all the regional capitals of Italy: « In the meantime we asked workers not to be available for Easter and Easter Monday - the unions say - then the fight will continue until there is a new negotiating table. If necessary we will call for abstention from work again on April 25th ."

The negotiation for the renewal of the national contract for organized distribution for the companies associated with Federdistribuzione fell through , hence the protest: « In exchange for an economic recognition of 240 euros gross per month, they want to remove the rights and this is unthinkable. They want worse conditions for workers."

«It is shameful – they insist – that workers in a supermarket have worse conditions than their colleagues who do the same job in a supermarket that is a member of other associations».

In case of failure to sign, the strike will also be repeated on April 25th. Membership, the unions explain, is «important with peaks of 90% and 100%, many supermarkets have had to close . Federdistribuzione should take the signal."

Federdistribuzione has a completely different opinion, speaking of a "limited" participation in the strike, between 8 and 9% of the workers of the associated companies . The inconveniences in the points of sale, explains a note, "are limited and there are no difficulties with purchases".

Federdistribuzione «has never failed to be willing to negotiate in the various phases that have taken place in the previous months and during the last meeting on 26 and 27 March it was open to recognizing the wage increases expressly requested by the trade unions , having always considered it is important to protect workers and guarantee sustainability for businesses", is underlined in a note.


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