Also for this summer in La Maddalena the "green" service for the collection of rubbish deposited on street corners is starting up: little edifying pictures for a tourist resort and not nice to see while shopping or walking for tourists and residents.

As already happened last year, for a few weeks the collection of rubbish has resumed at short intervals in the center and in the port area, with covered vans, with electric assisted pedals, therefore non-polluting.

Giant photographs of the most beautiful beaches of the Archipelago-National Park have been posted on the three sides of the vehicles.

Maddalena Ambiente, the in-house company that contracts out the urban cleaning service, deploys some ecological operators for this seasonal service, who collect paper, cardboard, glass and bottles from commercial activities.

The operators also frequently empty the bins positioned in the squares and streets of the center, including those for dog droppings.

A service that does not replace but complements the ordinary one. Furthermore, the ecological operator can also be contacted by telephone for reports.

The obligation, for commercial activities, is to no longer expose the rubbish on the street but to wait for the passage of the operators who, several times a day also cross the streets and squares of the center, equipped with vacuum cleaners, and take away the waste, butts and anything else abandoned on the street.

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