In recent days, the National Park has carried out restoration work on the access walkway to the beach and the Dune system of Bassa Trinità, with the replacement of the rope for the delimitation posts, the repair of the delimitation fence along the road and the renewal of the billboards. This is the first of two planned interventions. The other will start in the autumn (tender announced) and involves the dismantling of a stretch of asphalt road over 200 meters long, which ends with a small parking lot, which cuts that large and well-known area of white sand in two.

"We intervene to try to bring that site back to its 'naturalness' and to ensure that nature can take back its space", says the director of the National Park, Giulio Plastina. This is an intervention of important environmental redevelopment, moreover foreseen by the municipal Pul (Use of the Coastal Plan), approved in 2020 by the Montella Administration.

That dune system, cut in two by the provincial road in the 1960s, has undergone a progressive reduction and deterioration over the years due in large part, it is believed, precisely to the "dismemberment" which we now want to remedy, by recomposing it, after about sixty years, and restoring the violated continuity.

Other protective interventions, 7 in all, will be carried out on the dune systems of Monti d'Arena (again on the island of Maddalena), in Caprera, in Spargi and Budelli. It is a question, continues director Plastina, of «enhancement of these dune systems, with the creation of wooden paths with fences, walkways, billboards, in such a way as to preserve the dunes themselves, making these places usable by all».

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