The appointments with " October in the Library " continue: Tuesday 18 October, at 6.30 pm, in the Municipal Library of Sennori , in via Farina 32, Comes, with the municipal administration and the Koinè library of Sassari they will present " Il Re delle Api ", the new book by Ruggero Roggio . They will talk with the author Paola Rosalinda Marongiu, Giulio Manghina and the deputy mayor of Sennori, Elena Cornalis.

During the meeting Ica Spanu and Antonio Salis will read some passages of the work. The novel tells the story of real and plausible characters, assembled like good Frankensteins, stories that unfold in an unreliable, geographically lying coastal Sardinia, where fantasy, mystery and fairy tale are mixed like human destinies.

La locandina (Foto concessa)
La locandina (Foto concessa)
La locandina (Foto concessa)

"With this third appointment, the 'October in the Library' initiative continues, created by the municipal administration in collaboration with the Comes cooperative, to highlight the Sardinian authors who, with their works, make us immerse ourselves in the culture and traditions of our island" , explains the deputy mayor and councilor for culture, Elena Cornalis . "Ruggero Roggio's book falls into this sphere, giving readers many ideas about Sardinia".

(Unioneonline / EC)

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