In Sardinia there are 634 families who, in just one month, have lost the right to basic income: 472 households who no longer had the requisites (perhaps because their economic conditions have improved), 162 instead those who had it revoked (possible scammers discovered). It is not clear whether those reported in the latest operation by the Cagliari mobile team have already been cancelled.

All the island numbers on the hot topic of national politics are reported in the latest INPS update, which dates back to yesterday, on the benefit introduced by the 5 Star Movement, which Giorgia Meloni's government wants to first resize and then eliminate.

In October, 38,485 families received income in Sardinia, for a total of just over 74,000 people involved. The average amount of the monthly check was 535 euros. There is also the subdivision by provinces: in the metropolitan city of Cagliari 14,300 residents are involved, in the province of Carbonia Iglesias 3,362, while there are 2,141 those who use it in the Medio Campidano area, over 8,700 in the Sassarese area, 3,160 in the Oristano area, 2,512 in Gallura , just over a thousand in Ogliastra and over three thousand two hundred in the Nuoro area.

The trend of beneficiaries is decreasing: in 2021, the year of the peak, on the island the households that had received at least one month's benefit had been over 59 thousand. This year - until October - the figure has dropped to less than 57 thousand.

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