Today at 10.30 in the parish of San Giuseppe in Nuoro the funeral ceremony of Lucia Vidis, 42 years old, nurse in service at the San Francesco hospital was held. The accident that involved her in the night between Tuesday and Wednesday on State Road 197 between Furtei and Villamar has displaced the whole of Sardinia.

There were hundreds of people close to the family at the funeral. Friends, acquaintances, strangers affected by the story, all helpless, speechless in the face of this tragedy.

Three parish priests and a deacon to accompany her to her encounter with God: Don Vincenzo Salis, Don Aldo Cottu, the deacon Celeste Corosu and Don Roberto Carta, who consoled her in her homily: «We must think of life according to God's will, but how much it's hard? - he said - Today Jesus beckons us to follow him to be his disciples, he guides us. We have to trust those who know life more than us. Paolo, Stefania, Andrea and all of Lucia's relatives and friends: go ahead even when your strength seems to have disappeared ». And finally: «Lucia loved her job, she had been waiting for it for a long time, ready to overcome any obstacle for a single goal: to devote herself to others. She was guided by the beautiful, the good, the right. His soul has been transformed and reaches God».

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