In the twenty municipalities of Marmilla there are over 600 boys or girls without a pediatrician .

Unacceptable situation for the regional Guarantor for childhood and adolescence Carla Puligheddu , who launched a heartfelt appeal to the health councilor Carlo Doria, to the managers of Ares and Asl of Oristano, to those responsible for the functioning of the pediatrics service agreement.

" A new tender must be published as a matter of urgency to search in and outside Sardinia for a pediatrician with a definitive assignment to be employed in the Ales-Terralba district, providing for incentives, allowances and reimbursements connected to the professional's permanence in a disadvantaged area".

The solution identified by the Local Health Authority, i.e. the entrustment of the children to a general practitioner or to the pediatrician on duty in Mogoro , is insufficient for the Guarantor: it is a solution, he explains, "feasible only for a few".

While aware that basic medicine has flaws in all Regions, Puligheddu underlines that the case of Marmilla " clearly violates the right to maintain essential care services for boys and girls ".

And he expresses his solidarity with families and children, "who cannot do without a dedicated doctor, even more so if they have chronic pathologies, with the need for continuous care".


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