"May your kindness, professionalism, altruism and love towards the least and the suffering, often in silence, be an example for all of us so that we understand that there is more joy in giving than in receiving". Yesterday afternoon my colleague Emanuela Provenzano pronounced these words in the church of Santa Maria Maddalena, in front of the coffin of the lawyer Dario Annunziata , who died suddenly and prematurely at the age of 49, at the end of the funeral rite celebrated in a church filled to the top and with a square in front crowded with so many people who, moved, wanted to pay him their last respects.

Present were the president of the Tempio Pausania Bar Association, the president of the Criminal Chamber, about thirty lawyers in togas, the mayor and the president of the Municipal Council of La Maddalena , the commander of the Military Presidium and that of the Port Authority, the regional president of Avis and many Avisine delegations who came from different places with their banners.

L'esterno della chiesa (foto Ronchi)
L'esterno della chiesa (foto Ronchi)
L'esterno della chiesa (foto Ronchi)

The funeral rite was officiated by four priests. Dario Annunziata, who leaves behind his wife and a very young daughter, was not only a valid, well-prepared and esteemed lawyer, by colleagues and by many people, but he was engaged in voluntary work from a very young age, in particular by Avis, whose organization he helped part not only in the Maddalena section - of which he was president for some years and in which he was working with great enthusiasm for the realization of important projects such as that of a permanent donation post - but also in the provincial and regional one. And the massive presence of many colleagues from Avisino was proof of this.

"We are here, as a community of La Maddalena and beyond, all touched by this sudden death: someone dear to us has passed away, someone we felt and feel is one of the family, a loved one whose loss we personally feel", said the parish priest, Don Andrea Domanski, recalling, among other things, the precious collaboration provided, as a lawyer, to the city parishes: «A person of value, of quality, a person who believes in a serious way».

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