A large organized garden, an equipped canopy and also a swimming pool area. All without authorization: a "radical transformation of the site which heralded an increasingly marked loss of its original naturalistic and landscape peculiarities".

The discovery of the abuses on the islet of Corrumanciu, in the Porto Pino area, in Sant'Anna Arresi , was made by the rangers of the divisional Inspectorate of the Iglesias Forestry Corps, who seized a lot of over 11,000 square meters . The perpetrators have been entered in the register of suspects for building abuses.

It is an area of particular value from a naturalistic and landscape point of view, subject to the restriction of absolute building restrictions: it is located less than three hundred meters from the coast.

A similar event had also occurred on the islet of Corrumanciu, in land adjacent to the area currently subject to seizure, with the construction of an entire tourist residential complex: in 2013 it had been demolished.


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