There are those who think of coming on holiday in a camper without rules, camping illegally outside the specially equipped areas. It went badly for four "crafty" who were sanctioned last night by the Forestry and Environmental Supervisory Body of Lanusei. The team surprised four campers in Tortolì and Bari Sardo who, in defiance of the prohibitions of the law, illegally spent the night in unforeseen areas. Penalties ranging from a minimum of 100 to a maximum of 250 euros were therefore triggered.

In the month of July alone, the forestry corps of Lanusei, directed by Giovanni Monaci, had sanctioned eight transgressors in the municipality of Tortolì. In view of August 15th, the body has intensified checks on the roads and on the coast, especially on the beaches and at night, in order to put an end to this bad habit on the part of some holidaymakers.

The Forestry Corps recalls that the law provides for the prohibition of free camping outside the open-air accommodation facilities or equipped temporary parking areas.

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