Alessandra Zedda, regional councilor of Forza Italia and former councilor for industry in the Solinas council, also intervenes on the question of the merger of the airports in Northern Sardinia and against privatization : «I have been arguing for a long time that the Region must prevent the merger of the airports in Northern Sardinia - says the former vice president of the executive -. I am happy that my position expressed years ago today is shared by ENAC and the Region of Sardinia who have taken a stand and have begun a battle for active public participation in the management company".

“I am for freedom and extreme liberalism, but not for essential goods such as air and sea transport, for which the public must participate and manage beyond direction and control,” he adds.

For Zedda, the regional management company "must not own the aircraft, but manage the services". "We pay territorial continuity 30 million a year, which instead of giving to companies we could use for a publicly-led company that indicates the direction and strategies of Sardinian transport".


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