Since 2004 the helmet with the four Moors accompanies him in motorcycle shots at the Giro d'Italia, the Olympics and other national events. Now, Francesco Simula, 52, from Nuoro, Rai camera operator, is launching an appeal for someone to give them back that symbol to which they are particularly dear.

Francesco Simula  (Onano)
Francesco Simula  (Onano)
Francesco Simula (Onano)

In the past few hours, in Comano Terme, where the national cycling championships will take place from tomorrow, the Rai truck in which it was stored was completely robbed. Inside, various equipment including Simula's helmet itself. A real work of art, created in 2004 by the artist Cornelio Perini.

A distinctive trait for the operator who has been wearing it proudly for twenty years, being filmed several times on TV, as well as becoming the reason for viral social posts: «I am embittered», says Simula, «when we found the truck turned upside down , with the disappeared. I didn't want to believe my eyes. For me it has an immense emotional value, a way to represent my land wherever I go, carrying strong attachment to my roots».

Simula durante un Giro d'Italia (Onano)
Simula durante un Giro d'Italia (Onano)
Simula durante un Giro d'Italia (Onano)

And finally: «I hope common sense prevails and it will be returned to me. Working without it is not the same thing».

In the morning, there was also the Facebook appeal: from his profile Simula told of the fact and hoped that a positive conclusion could be reached.

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