Three years of imprisonment and disqualification from holding public office for five years, in addition to the payment of court costs and damages to civil parties.

This is the sentence issued by the Court of Oristano against a 65-year-old man , responsible for having set - on 18 July 2021 - five fires within a quarter of an hour, which had surrounded the town of Milis, causing alarm and devastation.

«His guilt - explains a note from the investigators - was recognized on the basis of the numerous evidence collected against him in months of scrupulous investigative activity conducted by the investigative unit of the Forestry Corps of the Oristano Inspectorate, under the direction of the Deputy Prosecutor who coordinated the investigations, and of the Seneghe Forestry Station, which had directed the firefighting operations".

That day, the flames set by man had reached the town and had required a large deployment of men and vehicles (around fifty men were involved, including Forestry Corps personnel, Forestas workers, numerous barracellari companies in the area and some teams of volunteers and fire brigade, with the use of about fifteen ground vehicles including tankers and pick-ups).

Four helicopters from the regional fire-fighting apparatus of the Forestry Corps intervened and worked for over two hours to put out the flames, carrying out eighty-five water drops to lower the flames and allow the personnel on the ground to intervene safely.


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