Healthcare reform, doctors critical: «Emergencies first or there will be a collapse, beds occupied at 120%»
The unions of the gowns heard in the commission on the Region's plan, do not even like the centralization role thought for the Ares: «It would be a new ATS»Video di Stefano Fioretti
After the confederate unions, the doctors' unions also come to say no to the "functional reform" of healthcare planned by the Regional Council of Alessandra Todde.
Luigi Mascia (Cimo); Maria Luisa Boi (Uil-Fpl); Vito Meloni (Cida); Miriam Pastorino (Fp-Cgil); Gianluigi Luridiana (Fesmed); Alessandro Bianchi (Cosmed); Gisella Carrucciu (Fassid); Daniele Deruda (Anaao); Cesare Iesu (AAroi-Emac) and Massimiliano Piccoi (FvM) appeared before the Health Commission of the Regional Council.
"Critical positions and proposals for improvement" have arrived, but above all, "the main problems affecting healthcare" and "the critical points of the reform under discussion" have been highlighted .
The doctors have emphasized the need to immediately address the many emergencies that characterize the Sardinian health system (consider that the percentage of occupied beds is equal to 120%) and that risk leading it to "definitive collapse".
During their respective speeches, the representatives of healthcare workers highlighted the main critical issues of the system, digital fragmentation and data management, denouncing a fragmentation of healthcare information systems between hospitals, the local area and private individuals. And the urgency of an integrated digital system to guarantee homogeneity in treatments, create regional healthcare registers and improve emergency management was therefore underlined .
Further emphasis was placed on the lack of staff: there is a severe shortage of medical and technical personnel – so it was said – and therefore a hiring plan and the holding of competitions were requested to replace the professionals who have left their jobs in public health.
The doubts have concerned, in particular, the role and functions that, in the proposal of the Council, are attributed to Ares («there is a risk of proposing an ATS 2») accused of not fully fulfilling its technical-administrative role and while recognizing the value of the centralization of some functions (for example, purchasing), the unions fear a further loss of decision-making autonomy of the local health authorities. On this point, the ruling of the Constitutional Court has been cited several times, which reaffirms the management autonomy of the health authorities («it is necessary to recognize a greater role and functions»), as well as the opportunity to strengthen - compared to Ares - the role of direction and control of the general management of the Health Department («the coordination of the directors under Ares is a stretch»).
Further proposals concerned the strengthening of local healthcare and there was no lack of references to the so-called mergers of structures («they have never produced the expected benefits») and in particular to the hypothesized merger of the Microcitemico of Cagliari with the Brotzu: «95% of the workers of the Microcitemico said they were against the merger with the Brotzu. Therefore, a more in-depth reflection and evaluation is needed».