Sardinian health care explored by operators in the sector in the meeting organized by the Pd of Sassari in the presence of the national delegation dem, on the island to visit the health facilities of central northern Sardinia, with the former minister Beatrice Lorenzin and the two Sardinian deputies Silvio Lai and Marco Meloni.

And the panorama described in the crowded meeting by doctors, nurses, union representatives is often disheartening. «Too much bureaucracy - says a general practitioner - which takes away our time for patients. With the demotion then they take away our trade union power ». The endless waiting lists have been at the center of the debate. "It is not clear how the Cup - reports another professional - decides the fate of the sick by opening and closing the diaries". "6 thousand nurses are missing - it is underlined - and the salaries are too low". Cause of many leaks in the private sector even among doctors. "Several neuropsychiatrists, for example - it is reported - do not want to work in hospitals. Too much stress and little money.

And it is precisely in this sector, in Sassari, that impressive data emerges: rate of psychiatric diagnoses of 116 per cent as regards the neurological-psychiatric relationship; increase from 86 diagnoses in 2019 to 260 in 2022. All in an island that is confirmed as the region with the highest suicide rate in the nation, 11 out of 100 thousand inhabitants.

Meanwhile in the assembly, chaired by the provincial secretary of the Democratic Party Giuseppe Mascia, the request to save the national health system is raised. "We have brought the NHS to 7% of GDP but the prospect - attacks Lorenzin, with reference to the current government - for the next few years is to drop to 6.2% with the addition of the sword of Damocles of differentiated autonomy which will have a heavy impact on the Health of the Regions". Sardinia included.

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