He has been spending his holidays in Alghero for 60 years and for his loyalty Gordon Jenkin was honored by the mayor Mario Conoci.

Born in Bristol, England, Mr. Jenkin, now 94, made his first visit to the city (which he calls "home sweet home sweet home " ) in 1956 and decides to return every year to this day.

"It was a pleasure to hear the stories and memories of those who, as tourists, got to know Alghero in the 1960s, when people still traveled mostly by carriage, and then saw the city evolve and change over the decades", he said the mayor Mario Conoci, who together with the deputy mayor Giovanna Caria and the councilors Maria Grazia Salaris, Giorgia Vaccaro and Antonello Peru handed Jenkin a gift and a letter of congratulations and thanks on behalf of the city for having chosen Alghero for all these years.

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