A seventeen-year-old from Orgosolo died this morning at the San Francesco hospital in Nuoro: Giovanni Antonio Congiargiu was unable to overcome an aneurysm that affected him in recent days.

The boy had suffered a severe headache, which had led his family to go to the emergency room of the hospital in the Barbagia capital. The doctors immediately realized that it was not a normal illness.

From the first analyzes it immediately emerged that it was an aneurysm. The seventeen-year-old underwent delicate surgery, which unfortunately did not save his life: his heart stopped beating today.

«After the operation we hoped that Giovanni Antonio could make it, but today unfortunately the terrible news arrived», says the mayor of Orgosolo, Pasquale Mereu, shaken like the entire town.

The boy attended the Volta high school in Nuoro: «Today is a very sad day for Volta», writes the school, «we are close to the family, friends and classmates of our dear student Giovanni Antonio». Then the farewell in Sardinian: «Ache bonu viazu, Juvanne Antoni, student nostru istimau». Translated: have a safe trip Giovanni Antonio, our esteemed student.

Enrico Fresu

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