Intent on stealing from a house in Capoterra, he was surprised by the family and at that point, to escape, he grabbed the keys and locked the father, mother and daughter inside the apartment. The alarm went off last night with a call to 112 in which a desperate girl explained what had just happened.

Immediately three carabinieri arrived on the spot, ran up the stairs in the hope of blocking the thief and so it was. They handcuffed him and found a 21-centimeter switchblade on him, along with the keys to the house he wanted to rob.

The victims, still in a state of shock, were freed while the failed thief, a 22-year-old Tunisian guest of the Monastir reception center and who had arrived in Sardinia during the summer, was taken to the security rooms of the barracks of the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri and today faces the judgment with a very direct rite.

(Unioneonline / ss)

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