Even in Sardinia, as in the rest of Italy, sickness certificates have increased since the compulsory Green Pass was introduced in the workplace.

The phenomenon can only be attributed to the diehard no-vax and also "crafty": to get around the certificate requirement and avoid the continuous tampons they put themselves on sick leave, at least to buy time while continuing to receive the salary.

In fact, without the green certification the worker is considered unjustified absent and is suspended from maximum work until 31 December, when the Covid state of emergency ends. There are no disciplinary consequences or dismissals but the employee remains without salary and welfare and social security contributions. On the other hand, sick leave has no impact on the paycheck.

Inps data for Sardinia recorded this increase. On Friday 8th, workers, public and private, presented 1,291 certificates. A week later, the day the Green pass at work came into effect, there were 1,650. Become 2,611 on Monday 11th and 3,060 on Monday 18th.

"The operational phase of the Green pass in the workplace requires the completion of vaccination or, alternatively, tampons at low or free prices, but above all a series of interventions that can facilitate a structural management of the end of the emergency and the start of a new system of work in the presence and at a distance; in this way, perhaps the medical certificates disclosed by INPS would return to lower percentages ”, underlines Davide Paderi, regional secretary general of the Fps-Cisl.


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