On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Grazia Deledda and the related celebrations, the president of the Senate, Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, sent a letter to the mayor of Nuoro, Andrea Soddu: "Institutional commitments do not allow me to share the emotions of these days, but I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the commitment and enthusiasm with which the Municipal Administration of Nuoro and all citizens have dedicated themselves to organizing this important event - writes the second state office - A ' an opportunity to remember one of the most significant artistic and cultural figures in Italian literature: a tireless, intense and sensitive narrator of her land and our history, known and loved all over the world ".

"An opportunity, above all, to tell how the Nobel Prize for literature won in 1927 by Grazia Deledda, the first Italian woman to be awarded this prestigious award, has always represented a great symbol of redemption, emancipation and progress - continues Casellati - The redemption of a little girl who silently rebels against the legacy of a patriarchal society and, pursuing her dream of art and freedom, at fifteen publishes her first writings in a local newspaper. The success of a woman who, with tenacity and pride, overcomes barriers and prejudices, builds her own destiny and becomes an example for many generations of women ".

"My hope - adds Casellati - is therefore that this moment of celebration, sharing and reflection on the moral and cultural heritage that Grazia Deledda has left us in her pages and with her life can push us with ever greater determination towards that difficult goal. of civilization, rights and dignity that too many women still pursue in the world, as well as unfortunately also in our country. Because that of women's emancipation is still an open challenge. A challenge to be won, now as then, on the level of culture rather than on that of legislation. A challenge that Grazia Deledda - concludes the President of the Senate - has won with merit, passion and unparalleled talent, and which now, as institutions and citizens, we have the duty to overcome together, to give to the women of today and those of tomorrow. a future of real hopes and real opportunities ".

The thanks from Mayor Soddu were immediate: “Also because - he comments - he perfectly grasped the spirit with which we intend to celebrate our illustrious fellow citizen. And that is, not through a simple and banal commemoration, but with the study and enhancement of the message that he left us as a legacy, first of all, as the President pointed out, the role of women in our society, emancipation and 'commitment to the recognition of rights that unfortunately are still denied it ”.

(Unioneonline / ss)

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